The ‘Ohana Mission
E Ho‘ohanohano a E Ho‘omau. . . To Honor and To Perpetuate
Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa, an ‘ohana of Kalaupapa residents, their family members and friends, is dedicated to promoting the value and dignity of every individual forcibly relocated to Kalaupapa since 1866.
Wiliama Namahoe at the grave of his great-grandmother, Kawaikoeahiokekuahiwi Wong-Hoe Kahoukapu.
Conceptual design of the Kalaupapa Memorial.
Kalaupapa residents gather around the ahu at the site of the Kalaupapa Memorial.
Play our 5-minute video for an introduction to the history of Kalaupapa and her people.

Kalaupapa Place Names: Waikolu to Nihoa
The rich history of music written at Kalaupapa is celebrated by some of Hawai`i’s most well-known musicians in a virtual concert, “The Music of Kalaupapa.” The concert, which originally aired in October 2020, is now available to watch on our website by clicking the button below. The event was created and produced by Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa.
Captions and credits for slide show images:
Honor: Kalaupapa residents, family members, descendants and friends gather in the “Circle of Remembrance” at the future site of the Kalaupapa Memorial where they speak aloud the names of loved ones who have died at Kalaupapa. Photo: Wayne Levin
Perpetuate: During a ceremony honoring and remembering all those who died at Kalaupapa, descendant Momilani Cheek presents a lei to Clarence “Boogie” Kahilihiwa, President of Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa who has lived at Kalaupapa for more than 60 years. Photo: Henry Law
Family: Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa hopes to connect the generations of Kalaupapa. The Ho‘opi‘o ‘ohana includes patriarch Robert Ho‘opi‘i (second from left) who was born at Kalaupapa and his sons, Lopaka (left) and Kauhi (second from right) and grandson, Lokahi. They are standing on the porch of the house built by Robert’s father, Alex Ho‘opi‘i. Photo: Wayne Levin
Legacy: Leading a ho‘pkupu ceremony to the future site of the Kalaupapa Memorial are: (from left): Robert Ho‘opii‘i, Kalaupapa residents Pauline Chow and John Arruda; architect Don Stastny and Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa President Boogie Kahilihiwa. Photo: Wayne Levin